Not in MY name
I must admit to a choleric condition; no it does not mean I have cholera it just means I am super annoyed. I am embittered and exasperated at nonsensical social customs that masquerade as religious requirements in the Catholic Church, especially in my end of the woods of Mumbai.
There is an unending list of these customs which are inextricably linked to Catholic religious practices, none of which bring an ounce of faith to the life of the believer, and yet are practiced far more religiously than the mystery it is meant to celebrate.
Notice how most sacramental celebrations are linked to some social tradition. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy many of them which have now become part of our ‘catholic social tradition’ but when these become larger than life and overshadow the sacrament itself, then I take umbrage.
In the Catholic social circuit, sacraments call for a celebration; be it Baptism, Eucharist (Fist Holy Communion), Confirmation, Marriage or Holy Orders. Ironically, the one sacrament that should be truly celebrated, has no celebration at all. No one throws a party on being forgiven of all their sins and being made holy in God’s eyes, and if we truly need to celebrate anything, it should be this sacrament. I hope I have not inadvertently triggered off some party planner who sees this as unchartered territory with great financial opportunity.
So let me state my case with one such example and here I want to address the ‘social customs’ surrounding death in a Catholic household. I grew up with the tradition of attending mass not only on the day a friend or loved one was buried but also seven days later (called the seventh day mass) and the month’s mind mass.
Interestingly, the Missal has no provisions for such ‘special masses’. What the Roman Missal does provide for, is a mass to be celebrated on the anniversary of the death of a person; rightly, this is the anniversary of the day that the Lord called our brother or sister to Himself. The feast day of the saints too are celebrated on the day of their death not of their birth (John the Baptist and Mary being an exception). So how then did these seventh day (mercifully now discontinued) and month’s mind masses come about?
These practices are a socio religious and have been going on for couple generations now.
Id rather go to an old age home or an orphanage and give them a decent meal or even better spend time with them. What people in these homes value the most, is the time we spend with them. We, in this current generation have taken life for granted. We need a shift in ur thoughts to be ever more compassionate to the needy, be it with time or food or money for their medications.
I enjoyed reading this. Something that I have always wondered about but never shared. Thank you Fr Warner for putting this down and sharing this. We need more brave and self driven priests like you… More importantly, we need to adapt the truth and stop the unnecessary traditions.
I so second ur thoughts Fr. What annoys me apaprt from the snack boxes is also when ppl, aftr hearing the news of the funeral, check …bus hai kya?? For a poor family, is arranging a bus to the cemetry affordable? Would they mourn the death of a loved one or keep making arrangements for the transport of others? Had it been their own loved one, wpuld they not make arrangements of their own to reach the burial place? These questions i often want to ask to all those who expect travel arrangements to be made even for funerals…How inhuman could we get??
Beautiful reflection of a simple life explained with a mix of past, present religious social customs, its aspects, the real meaning of it and also the after death rituals carried on in the modern world compared to the past.
People actually attend the months mind mass for the snack boxes..they expect something for what should be a act of respect….and just recently was asked at a close friends funeral if we had done the catering….stumped to say the least
Yes. Very true indeed. Not only snack boxes, now it’s become mandatory to have an elaborate meal, wherein the house is too small. So either a terrace or building compound, maybe even a hall is the”venue”. Feels like a wedding celebration more than remembrance of the departed soul. In fact, the person hardly even comes up in course of the”celebration of Hi/her life”. Everyone’s so busy “partying on”. & Recently to my own horror, when it was my mother in law’s mass, her own siblings were highly offended that her sons did not offer drinks at the post-mass dinner. The snacks, soft drinks & food weren’t enough apparently (that too was on their insistence, that we MUST have all of that). Not that anyone pitched in or even felt the need to offer any sort of support, physical or otherwise. They were there to socialize. & With regards to the boxes handed out after mass, I’ve seen even passers-by, unknown to the deceased& their family, get in line, just to get a free meal. Disgusting🙍🏻