Chapel of the Ascension – Acts 1:9-11
Six hundred and fifty feet north of the Pater Noster Church(Our Father) is the Chapel of the Ascension which is also a mosque. The chapel sits on the top of the Mount of Olives. When St Helena came to the Holy Land she was shown the place where today stands the Church of the Pater Noster as the spot of the Ascension.
By the time the pilgrim Egeria’s (possibly a nun) traveled to Jerusalem in 384, the spot of veneration had been moved to the present location, uphill from the cave. Another tradition holds that it was Egeria who in her detailed account of the Holy Land found two footprints in the rock which can be seen in the Chapel of the Ascension. (

Right after this discovery a circular Byzantine church was built surrounding the rock on which was believed to be the footprint of Jesus. The Byzantine church was destroyed and rebuilt several times but finally destroyed in 1198 AD by Saladin who led the Ottoman (Turkish) army.
However while the Church was destroyed the central dome around the foot print was left intact by the Ottomans as there is a shared belief in the Ascension by the Muslims. The Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified but raised to Heaven directly without Resurrection before Ascension (An-Nisaa’ 4:157-159). The mark that we see today is believed to be the imprint of Jesus’ right foot since the section bearing Jesus’ left footprint was taken to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the middle ages.