Chicken pepper stew.

In a pot heat oil to which you add three cardamoms, one stick cinnamon, five cloves and two bay leaves. I then added about fifteen raisins and one large sliced onions( you could add even two). Fry this till the onions become a bit translucent. I then added three green chilies which I chopped up and also one large tomato. Add one teaspoon pepper powder which has been coarsely crushed and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder.

TIP: depending on how spicy you want your pepper stew increase or decrease the pepper powder but make sure it’s coarse when you crush it.

After all of this has been well stirred add in half a kilo of chicken and water ( should cover the chicken in the pot by a thumbnail). Bring the mixture to a boil and then drop heat to simmer and continue to cook the chicken for ten minutes on slow fire. Finally, add a total of half a kilo or more of sturdy vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, white pumpkin, potatoes or peas. Continue to cook for ten minutes. Thicken the gravy with a tablespoon of maida to which you added cold water( make a runny paste) . Add this paste to the gravy while stirring quickly or you will get a lump of maida in your gravy. Add a bit of chopped corriander.

You can have this for breakfast with appams or dosas or even bread and for lunch with rice

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