This recipe is from a very old cook book

Pork Vindalho
1 kg. pork (cubed)
6 onions
15 flakes garlic
2″ piece ginger
20 Kashmiri chillies
3/4 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. peppercorns
1″ piece whole turmeric
6 green chillies (slit)
salt, tamarind, vinegar and sugar to taste

Finely slice the onions, 6 garlic flakes and 1″ of ginger.
Grind together the Kashmiri chillies, cumin, peppercorns, turmeric, and the remaining garlic and ginger. Fry the green massala (ie., the onions, garlic and ginger) and when brown add the pork, then the ground massala, and fry for 10 minutes. Next add warm water sufficient to cover the pork. When the water has reduced to half add the green chillies and the sugar, salt, tamarind and vinegar to taste. Simmer on a slow fire till the gravy is thick

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