Take courage, your deliverance is at hand – Friday, First week of Advent- Is 29:17-24
For more than twenty odd years I saw the stress that loomed large on my parents face. A family dispute which dragged on in the courts of Mumbai had left more than a few wrinkles on their face. The situation seemed bleak for we were on the verge of losing our home. What vexed me the most was the corruption of the legal system in the nation’s courts. It is no secret that corruption runs deep and the pockets of crooked judges and lawyers run deeper.
In all of this my parents clung on to their faith in God and in His time a settlement was reached. We made a decision to walk away with God gave us even though by human standards it was an unfair settlement. My parents found peace and celebrated their Golden Jubilee of the wedding last year. We as a family continue to be blessed by God
I write this because so many people are locked in court battles. Many of them are innocent victims suffering at the hands of greedy relatives, neighbours and unscrupulous people. The stress and strain is heightened even more by corruption and then there is often what seems to be the silence of God.
Where is God we ask? Why does he not strike our enemies and redeem us from our pain? Why does evil seem to prosper and the just person suffer? Today’s first reading which is a continuation of the promises of God to the house of Jacob addresses the promise of God. He promises never to abandon us. Yesterday’s reading asked us to keep our mind on Him and He will keep us in peace. Today God promises his vengeance on those tyrants who scoff at his faithful.