A little voice, a big speech – Thursday, 4th Week in Advent – Luke 1: 46-56
It is a human tendency to make much of things that are insignificant often even placing them on the high altar of ‘the best in the whole world.’ Depending on our age and status in life it can range from ‘the best coffee in the whole world’ to ‘the best burger in the whole world.’ When we finally stumble on something that meets what we have been either craving to have, or that which matches our tastebuds, or that someone we want to spend our life with, or whatever that longing for may be; we tend to magnify what we have to the status of the ‘best in the whole world.’ We then talk about it, tweet and Instagram it, recommend it, battle its critics and stand by it to the bitter end. We make everything bigger than it is.
Mary, was told that she was to be the mother of the saviour. Between being terrified and even dumbstruck, she managed to find a little voice that said a very big yes to God’s plan. Now her thoughts are driven to her cousin who was in the sixth month of pregnancy. She comes not to boast of her new found status and rank but to be of service.
Elizabeth had no clue what had happened to Mary; perhaps she could barely wrap her head around what had happened to her and Zechariah. Her days of girlhood being long past, she was now to be the mother of a child whose name was given by the angel; he was to be called John.
Yet, the babe leapt in her womb only when Mary greeted her and Elizabeth “was filled with the Holy Spirit.” This was THE MOMENT that the mystery of God’s plan of salvation was revealed to Elizabeth who declared Mary and the babe in her womb blessed.
Mary knew at once that this singular grace bestowed on her came from one hand only; God. It is to him that all glory belongs. She did what we would do today with the people and things we fall in love with; she magnified her God in a song of praise that has been sung through the ages. Every aspect of God’s grace in her life is now shouted for the world to hear. Every act of God is now proclaimed.
Magnifying God is what we are called to do; for he too has looked on us, his lowly servants, with favour.
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