Resident evil- Tuesday, 22nd Week in ordinary time – Lk 4:31-37

Jesus is back in Capernaum, an important trade city (polis) with a population of fifteen thousand which was located on the north western shore of the Sea of Galilee. It is here that he had previously worked ‘some miracles’ and would have by now most certainly be known to its inhabitants. His near death experience by a half crazed mob in his hometown of Nazareth is now behind Him and He is undeterred in His mission to liberate all those who are oppressed by the powers of evil.

On a Holy day, the Sabbath, the ‘Holy One of God’ confronts an evil spirit in the synagogue. It is interesting to note that this man was sitting in the synagogue, perhaps every Sabbath, with a demon in him. It would be foolishness to believe that the evil one stays out of a holy place or a holy person. The child sex abuse in the Catholic Church is evidence enough of the ‘demons’ in many men who dedicated their life to holiness. The devil spares none!

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