The Virgin of the Grapes
Mignard Pierre
1614 – 1616
Musée du Louvre, Paris

The Blessed Mother and Christ child are seated in a room by twilight. The Virgin wears a red dress covered with a blue mantle, indicating her role in the divine plan of salvation. With her right hand, she presents the child with grapes. Little Jesus sits on a cushion placed on his mother’s lap. In a playful gesture, he seems to engage in a peek-a-boo with the observer while caressing the grapes with his right hand. This cute canvas unfolds a message. Notice the basket of fruits placed on the side table. The apples remind us of the human fall while the grapes bear witness to the redeeming blood of Christ. Mary’s offering of the grapes foreshadows her role at the Manifestation of the Wedding Feast at Canna and the Cross. As baby Jesus lifts his mother’s veil, he opens the doors to Salvation.

– Archdiocesan Heritage Museum

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