The Alexamenos graffito is a piece of Roman graffiti scratched in plaster on the wall of a room near the Palatine Hill in Rome
Alexamenos worships his god; preaching Christ crucified – Friday, 21st Week in ordinary time – 1 Corinthians 1:17- 25
The unity of the Church at Corinth was threatened by dissensions. There was a rift in the community. It was not so much that there were opposing groups in the community but rather little cozy cliques were forming with allegiances to people or ideologies. We know that “Chloie’s people”, presumably slaves or business associates of this woman reported the matter to Paul in Ephesus from where he wrote this letter.
Paul condemns the spirit of these schismatics, not their opinions. He exposes their common errors not their respective claims. While many may think that the community was plagued by some heretical thoughts the matter was more petty that initially plagued the community. It had become rather obvious that the dissension in the Corinthian Church was clearly attributed to personal loyalties rather than theological or ethical issues.
For Paul, the primacy of Christ was paramount and not personal loyalties to him or others leaders in the community. Among the issues, there was the matter where some who with their misguided sentiments boasted that it was Paul who baptized them and flaunted it around like it was a badge of honour or a privilege to be exploited. While Paul does not disparage baptism nor was he opposed to it, he rather focused his energies on preaching leaving the work of baptism to others in the community. Because it was becoming a divisive issue, Paul was grateful that he had not baptized very many in Corinth.
Paul was clear, no group or clique could own Christ or claim to be his favourite and no apostles word or action could eclipse Christ’s lordship. Such is Paul’s steadfast love for Christ and his lordship that in 17 verses he mentions Christ ten times. The name of Christ alone is the rallying point for the unity of Christians.
Paul preached Christ to the Corinthians but he comes to them not with lofty words or wisdom or cleverness in the way he communicated; he admits this himself in 1 Cor 2 :1-5. There were others in the community like Apollos who were eloquent and sophisticated. Yet for Paul it was not the wisdom of the world or the powerful actions of few leaders that was important but the message of the cross which ever so often appeared foolish. Yet to those who had been saved, it was the power of God. For Paul the cross of Christ speaks for itself and our lofty words and eloquence robs and distracts the way God chooses to speak to us from the cross; simply but to the heart. There is a constant tendency to think that the smartest and wisest humans will know the most about God. But God cannot be found through human wisdom, but only through the message of the cross.