No sentence in this sentence – Monday, 12th week in ordinary time – Matthew 7:1-5
We continue with our study of the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. So far, Our Lord has been very demanding on the Christian disciple. Having given us identity to be the salt and the light of the world he now continues to elaborate on the behaviour of the Christian disciple.
The text of today’s teaching forms part of the third and final chapter of the three chapter ‘Sermon on the Mount.’ Ironically, even though the demands that Jesus makes of the disciples have been tough, no one seems to cop-out, on the contrary the chapter will end with us being told in 7:28 that the crowds were astounded by his teachings for he taught them as one having authority and not as their scribes.
Right away there is a lesson to learn here. While modern day preachers skirt around challenging teachings of Our Lord for fear that they may lose their congregations, Our Lord was not a people’s pleaser. He was not politically or socially correct; he was simply correct. Cardinals, Bishops and the religious in the Catholic Church need to understand that faith must not be compromised at any cost. Perhaps the empty pews are not the result of tough teaching but a result of compromised and unprepared communication of the faith by its leaders. Congregants do not come to Church to be entertained by their priests, they come to the Church to be strengthened in their weakness and to be challenged to do better.
In the Gospel of today, Our Lord asks us not to judge so that we too may not be judged. One might think that such a teaching is impossible. It would seem that ‘judging’ others is an inevitable part of our daily lives. So, let’s understand this text. Christ is not saying we can’t have an opinion, he says we should not judge. Opinions are important and even essential. They express what we feel towards a situation or a person’s actions. Opinions can change and they are subjective. Christ does not say you can’t have an opinion, he is asking us not pass sentence.
Judging another is when you close your heart and mind to any other opinions that may be. You decided that this is how it must be and seal the matter. There is a harshness in the approach to another person when we speak of judging them. When we do this, we leave no room for understanding or acceptance. Christ wants us to make room for understanding the other rather than shutting the door.
Even more, when we judge another, we inevitable usurp that prerogative which belongs to God alone. It is for this reason that Jesus says, “judge not and you will not be judged.” Does this negate the teaching that at the end of life we will be given a ‘get out of jail’ card because we never judged? No, it simply means that because we did not close the door of our hearts and minds to others, Christ will also evaluate our lives in the same measure of understanding. It is for this reason he says, “the measure you give (your judgment) will be the measure you get back” when you are judged.
It is in this context that Jesus asks us to be compassionate, for each of us have failings of our own. Most of the while, we do not see our own failings and may even stubbornly refuse to accept them. Jesus wants us to accept that each one of us have our own personal flaws and failings. The plank in our eye is what we need to remove first before we demand that the speck in our neighbour’s eye be tackled. Christ’s illustration of his point makes for a humorous picture; a man with a board in his eye trying to help a friend remove a speck from the friend’s eye. You can’t think of the picture without smiling and being amused by it.
At the heart of this teaching is an invitation to the Christian disciple to love more. While this teaching does not prohibit examining the lives of others, it certainly prohibits doing it in the spirit that is devoid of love. Jesus did not prohibit the judgment of others. He only requires that our judgment be completely fair, and that we only judge others by a standard we would also like to be judged by.
NOTE: If you read this teaching and enjoyed it may I request you to please share it with others and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
church leaders have NOT been elected but have elected themselves to rule and teach. it is good to learn from teachers who know more than us, BUT to rule the followers like she[herds tending their dumb sheep WILL NOT WORK , specially when the leaders in the church are the biggest criminals in the church. if christians are to follow by example set by their leaders, there are very few.
the church in the west is reduced to old aged faithful and the migrants from asia…(both these folks follow the church like dumb sheep). those who are educated and AWARE what goes on in the church, want more say into its running BUT ARE BLOCKED. the church in the east is still running strong, but it is just a matter of time for their faithful to recognise the rot and rorts. the church in africa is still in the 18th century, where the leaders do one thing and the faithful do something else and everyone turns a blind eye. FAITH IN THE CHURCH HAS BEEN TARNISHED because the church has protected the criminal leaders and BLAMED the followers. FAITH IN JESUS STILL REMAINS. so, will the church change or die out due to criminals and self serving leaders of the church?
while I agree with your sentiments I find that some of your statements are not factual (Church leaders electing themselves) and too sweeping. Specifically directed criticism is always welcome
thanks. please enlighten me about the elected leaders, besides the pope (though he too is elected only by his cardinals).
Mr.Mascarenhas, little knowledge is not only dangerous, but ruining to the one who possesses it. The Catholic Church has endured and is thriving since the last 20
(TWENTY CENTURIES ) and continues to be The light of the world and the Salt of the Earth to the millions who humbly seek its soothing ways.
It also is a source of solace and comfort to the Spirits of those filled with despair, hatred, resentment, hopelessness and the list is endless.
I fully understand those who find great joy in criticising the HEROES of our Church who despite not being infallible, are by any measure unbeatable by people like you and your criticism of them which is done from the comfort of your home or is it a HOME at all ??
There is a better place to put your stories of the Church of the West and that of the East and your predictions for the times ahead… its called THE BIN…
good to know that you are a learned and faithful servant of the HOLY catholic church.
the church is NOT GOD and since it is made up of humans, it is definitely fallible and deserves criticism when and where required.
i am not a learned member of the church and its teachings.
as regarding my home, it is NOT YOURS!