Paradise regained – Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary- Gn 3:9-15, 20
So it’s back to the beginning if we want to understand this feast and that’s exactly where the Church’s liturgy takes us; to the book of Genesis. The narrative we are told is a familiar one. It is a narrative of disobedience and disbelief in God. Adam and Eve brought into the world original sin by their disobedience and disbelief in their creator. As a consequence of this original sin all humans are born in sin; save one, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Often times, we are made to think that the sin of our first parents was merely one of disobedience. In reality it was that and more for in one swift move the devil in three statements, planted doubts and fear and corrupted faith in God. To undo this we needed a Saviour.
Let’s look at the narratives of lies and doubt sowed by the devil. The devil told Eve she would not die, which she would not, had she not sinned; sin brought death. He then told her that her eyes would be opened and she would be “like” God when in reality she “was” made in God’s image and likeness. Finally she was convinced by the devil that when she ate of the fruit she would know good and evil when in reality she was already introduced to God who is good and did not need an introduction to the devil who is evil.
When Adam and Eve sinned, God confronted them as He does with our sin. Like Adam, we too feel a sense of shame and nakedness and try to run away from God. The reality is that we can run away from God but can never hide for God found Adam and He will finds us.
In the 5th paragraph the word “for” should be ‘of’
“She is the new Eve” What a strong message ! Thank you for this insight and teaching about this feast day father. Mary, Jesus, examples in flesh to show that it’s possible to lead a life that God has called us to live. 😊
I second Br Jubins comment…and its not difficult to believe why she is the New Eve!!
God really worked it out backwards; Since by the fruit of the tree Eve brought death…by the “fruit of her womb” Mary, the New Eve(Mother of all the Living)brought life..
In Eden, the devil approached Eve..At the Annunciation God also approached the new Eve..
So Yes, History repeated itself…but left everyone speechless at how God overturned the event!!
Praised forever be Jesus and Mary.