Chapter 5:17 introduced the Pharisees as if they just stumbled upon Jesus (they were sitting nearby). He is healing a paralytic but boldly forgiving his sins. More than the miracle, it was this statement that got the ears of the Pharisees, all puckered up. To compound matters, Jesus then calls a tax collector to be a disciple and much to the horror of the Pharisees now dines with them. At first the Pharisees merely questioned the actions of this rabbi but then begin to ‘complain’ to his disciples. Finally, they take their ire and irritation to the door step of Jesus in order to chastise him for being a bad example to his disciples.
So, who appointed the Pharisees as the guardians of the Jewish law? The Pharisees can best be described as men who began with good intentions and then who lost the plot and that’s what happens to ‘good people’ when they forget the plot. Ironically, the Pharisees began as liberals and were a reformist movement. Greek influence or Hellenization had become the order of the day and had threatened the Jewish way of life and so to preserve and promote their way of life, the ‘separated ones’ emerged.
Unlike the Sadducees or the priestly class, this group simply wanted to be faithful yet liberal. While their counterparts held on strictly to the Torah or the written law, the Pharisees warmly embraced the oral traditions linked to the law like the Mishna and finally the Talmud. The Mishna and the Talmud could loosely be described as interpretations on interpretations, leaving the Pharisees in a dilemma; which interpretation is correct? In such a scenario it seemed better to hold on to every interpretation rigidly rather than mistaking break one which might have been the correct one. And so, they became slaves to the law.
St Luke has several narrations linked to the Sabbath. The text of today tells us of one such sabbath incident. Interestingly, Jesus was followed by not only his disciples but now a bunch of Pharisees who having had the knives drawn out were not ready to let their well-preserved teaching be trifled around by this itinerant preacher called Jesus. It became obvious that at this stage they could start an argument in an empty room for they were following him to find fault with him. We know that eleven verses down the line they were “filled with fury and discussed with one another what they might do to Jesus” (6:11)
The understanding of Sabbath, in two words Life n Service. Also prayers on Sabbath is being coummunionatrian, and thus unity amongst the people should actually bring peace, however is it there ?
Thank you for the reflection Fr.
A calling for all of us to walk the talk, the teaching of Our Lord Jesus comes to mind, if you cannot love your neighbour whom you, can see, how can you claim to live God whom you cannot see?
Love the way you have written this Padre. so beautifully and profoundly explained. God bless u
The Pharisees were bent on finding fault with Jesus on violation of their own definition of the Sabbath (Not God’s)
No other activity, however urgent or immensely benevolent mattered to them. However, since THE LORD OF THE SABBATH’s abundant Love is not reserved for unlovable Worshippers ONLY, therefore participating in an urgent act of Love will NOT BE INJURIOUS to Our FAITH in Our GOD OF 💖 LOVE..
ThnkU Fr. Warner…🙏
Religious teaching for man & not for religion.
I often feel that we are freer on the weekends, and that’s when we find more time to sin. But the Lord being the Lord of the Sabbath is where we need to make a bigger effort to continue being and doing good. If we focus on Jesus, He’ll give us the strength. I’ll keep that in my mind, ‘The Lord Of The Sabbath’. So beautiful!
At the heart of the commandments is God’s goodwill towards man, always.
Rigid in following the law not acceptable, you have to rise to every urgent need
“The Sabbath was meant to be life giving not life draining and the worship of God and the service of mankind brings life on the Sabbath.”
Good day to mingle with a sense of oneness bonded by the love of Christ. (Maybe a fellowship after Mass with kindred souls ) 😊
Thank you Fr Warner
Very explanatory and understandable, thank you father.