Six pack coming soon- 2nd Week of Lent- Monday-Luke 6: 36-38
Have you ever fallen for one of those TV commercials that advertise a six pack body without having to go to the gym? Yup your right, if you did, then you’re a sucker! Nothing comes that easy; it’s hard work all the way. So why expect anything different in our spiritual lives?
Consider these three tiny verses of today’s gospel. When you read through, the tendency is to let your eyes glide over the challenges in verses 36 and 37 and then settle comfortably on the promises of verse 38; promises of God’s blessings, pressed down, shaken together and running over. But to expect the blessing of verse 38 without the application of the previous verses; to be merciful, non-judgmental and forgiving, is like expecting those famous six pack, without stepping into a gym.
Jesus was no fool when he linked those words side by side, give and forgive. He knew that forgiving must begin with giving. I can’t forgive unless I ‘give up’ my right to get even. Jesus does not ask us to forgive for our neighbour’s sake; he asks us to forgive so that we may be at peace with our selves. It is the poison within us that needs to leave our system, for healing to take place.
The heart of forgiveness lies in verse 36; “be merciful, just as your Father is merciful”. Many years ago the Emperor Napoleon had issued a decree that any deserter from his army would be shot on being arrested. The next day a tearful mother turned up to plead with the Emperor, begging for mercy for her son, who fled the battlefield in fear of the terrifying bloodshed. Napoleon boomed, “He does not deserve mercy.” “You are right”, the mother said, “Mercy is never deserved!”
It’s so true forgiveness is a complete circle, I have experienced the beauty n fruits of it! When I’m upset with my 4yr old n give him a Gd doze of my anger, after I cool down I yet don’t feel at peace. And only when I say sorry n I hear these golden words frm my son, “It’s ok” I feel like a stone is rolled off my chest! Jesus is my role model of being humble, loving n forgiving! Thank you Fr. Warner for the wonderful experience of the washing of the feet which U conducted yesterday. It was the icing for the 3days of prayerful missions. Love u Fr.
Forgiveness is a big step and a lot of work. It’s like gymning, until the final cherry on the cake ! It don’t come easy ! Looking back on the Lenten exercise we had in our parish, it was the ultimate decision most made sincerely at the end of the service before the Lord that brought them the peace of the merciful Farther.
Well quoted Fr., ‘…..fix your eyes on Jesus.’ thank you.
Thanks Fr. Warner, this is s beautiful message.
And you will be “forGIVEN” and that too, pressed down, shaken together, running over. Most often this is linked with generosity in cash or goods. Thank you Fr. You have brought out the aspect of the importance of forgiving from the heart to someone who hurt you most. Yes, it is a firm decision you take to forgive keeping your focus on Jesus and not on the one who hurts. The closeness to Jesus after forgiving is incomparable.
Fr. Warner D’souza – you are him who has received much forgiveness from the Lord 🤔
In as much as the curiosity reg much forgiveness that you have received Fr., it assures me of the privilege that My LORD has bestowed upon ME to reform, forgive, and learn to stay focused on HIM & HIS teachings…of GIVING.
Thanks for your frank admission of HIS abundant forgiving GRACE you received, which I understand is commensurate with our generous GIVING to others – of FORGIVENESS & NON JUDGEMENTAL concern, care and love.
Its so enlightening & encouraging to be generous.. in FORGIVING others…inorder that we receive HIS forgiving favour in a measure IMMEASURABLE..