Pinky promise- Saturday- 10th Week in ordinary time-Matthew 5: 33-37
Pinky promise- Saturday- 10th Week in ordinary time-Matthew 5: 33-37 At the heart of these six hyper theses is the desire of Jesus to restore the law of the kingdom…
Don’t Look, Don’t touch! – Friday- 10th Week in ordinary time-Matthew 5: 27-32
Don’t Look, Don’t touch! - Friday- 10th Week in ordinary time-Matthew 5: 27-32 The gospel passage of today will take up the second and third hyper-theses in the Sermon on…
The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart – Thursday- 10th Week in ordinary time-Matthew 5: 20-26
The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart- Thursday- 10th Week in ordinary time-Matthew 5: 20-26 Jesus has clearly taught the disciples that identity comes before behaviour. The…
The Law: Delivered by Moses, Fulfilled by Jesus – Wednesday- 10th Week in ordinary time-Matthew 5: 17-19
The Law: Delivered by Moses, Fulfilled by Jesus - Wednesday- 10th Week in ordinary time-Matthew 5: 17-19 In order to constantly understand Jesus as presented in Matthew’s gospel we need…