April 24, 1960, marked the last day in the old Seminary at Parel. Vacations that year for the Juniors (Latinists and Philosophers) was set for an uncertain period until the building at Goregaon was ready for inhabitation. The Theologians, however, returned to the Bandra House on June 14 for their annual retreat and the minor ordinations. The theologians resided at Bandra until June 26, 1960.

The excitement to begin the new academic year at the grand new Seminary was obvious. During the vacations of 1960, several seminarians offered their labor of love to transfer seminary paraphernalia from Parel and Bandra to their new home in Goregaon.

Groups of seminarians could be seen at various points carrying heavy steel or wooden cupboards, unloading lorries full of books, or engaged in the tedious chore of scraping shelves and beds for repainting.’ (Ratus, 1986)

By June 1960, the Seminary Fathers took residence in the new quarters. However, the date of the return for the students was postponed from June 6 to June 16, and then further postponed to June 24, June 26, and June 28. One can surely empathize with the plight of the seminarians, homesick for the seminary. Finally, on July 1 the seminarians from all parts of the city and suburbs returned with hands full of luggage but heart leaping with joy!

The academic year began the following day with the Mass of the Holy Spirit celebrated by Valerian Cardinal Gracias. Two days later, Fr. Ferrando S.J. the young Rector, gave his first talk to the community and announced that the Goregaon Seminary was dedicated to St. Pius X. The following weeks and months were full of enthusiastic exploration. While the seminarians had to adjust with the last-minute technical fixations, the spacious rooms, never-ending corridors, tall pillars, well-lit library, serene Chapel and the picturesque views of the rolling hills set upon velvet green grass made them forget trivial troubles.

All eyes and hearts were fixed on October 5, 1960 – The Official Inauguration of the Bombay Seminary by Gregory Peter XV Cardinal Agagianian, the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of Faith. Stay tuned and join us in this much-awaited virtual celebration!

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© – Archdiocesan Heritage Museum   


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One thought on “THE BOMBAY SEMINARY: Moving In”

  • 1960 seems to be the most important and eventful year for the Archdiocese of Bombay with the Inauguration of the most awaited Goregaon Bombay Seminary. A dream wish come true for Cardinal Valerian Gracias and team. Lovely to see the enthusiastic seminarians busy helping and carrying heavy stuff, to set up the place, also the spacious indoor, outdoor recreation centers.
    I enjoy reading every stage of development and meticulous planning that has gone in to “Our Bombay Seminary” I feel proud to say that (though I was a kid then nevertheless)
    Thank you Fr Warner.


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