The new endangered species; why are our seminaries empty?
The seminary of the Archdiocese of Bombay situated in Goregaon East once boasted of a full house. There were years when rooms ran out and even the students of the integrated years, who usually got a small cubicle, were obliged to share their rooms with others. Ironically today, there is much room in the inn but few seem to be knocking.
Vocations to the priesthood and religious life are certainly down while the expectations of what a priest should be doing in ministry has certainly increased. Between 2012 and 2016, the number worldwide, of men in seminary training for the priesthood fell by nearly 4,000, to 116,160 prompting the Vatican to call it a “crisis of vocations”. So what is the problem?
We need priests, but let it not be my child!
For many, the crisis of vocations is best solved by encouraging someone else son or daughter to answer the call; it’s never our own. This evening we buried Fr Ryan Fernandes whose dear mother encouraged two sons to become priests, two daughters to join the convent and still another son who though married, to embrace the call to the permanent diaconate.
Why does it please us to hear that someone else’s son fell on the sword of sacrifice while we then settle down to analyse his call to the priesthood or his ministry under a microscope? And then there are those who revel in running down someone else’s child who has said yes to the priesthood (with all his human failings) while they themselves would be most forgiving should their own child faltered or fell short of others expectations. And do not forget the army of catholic whatsappers who forward every apparent piece of Church gossip without verifying the facts.
It is my hunch that economics also plays a great role in the decision of Catholic parents who do not even place on the table, the vocation to the priesthood while actively promoting every secular profession. The worry, especially for parents who have one child seems valid on the face of things; who will care and provide for us in our old age? Strangely the answer mostly is, the child who accepted the call to say yes to the Lord. But even more, such fears betray our faltering trust in a provident God who always meets our needs. Is there a guarantee that your married son will take care of you in your old age?
Those are meaningful thoughts and oh so true, Fr. Warner…wonder what can be done to encourage more vocations over what is already happening. Sharing this on my Facebook page.
These firemen in their priestly shirts and white cassocks armed with the cross of their vocation hear God’s call and listen to him. We have all fallen short of ears,and fail to hear God speak. All in all, we have grown to listen to ourselves speaking louder than our senses can handle. We need to surrender to calm and simple prayer as adults, youth, children …like little babies, for God speaks in the silence of our 💓, to move our children, friends and family and most of all each one of us. We need our priests, for each priest is Jesus to us, … for Jesus saves. Thank you Fr. Warner and all our priests for answering your call to the saving ministry of the priesthood. Mother Mary please take care of your sons, every one of your sons for, ‘there’s a sunshine after the rain, there’s a cure after the pain….and it’s all because of you.”
Small Christian Communities play big role in today’s context.
When a single child asks, “Who will take of my parents?” The SCCs should answer, “We will take care, you go ahead!!”
Well written article,
We need solutions in this changing world….
The archaic church has the resources to solve them, but may not have the will & strategy.
Nonetheless, the church (as an institution) will continue to prosper.
Labourers to gather the harvest will come in other forms .
Butits worthwhile to Save the endangered species before its too late…
It is the politics in the Church amongst the leaders that is barred or discouraged the youths and parents to take up the Ministerial work that is instituted by Jesus himself. Those who are hiding in the casks are responsible and they are answerable to Jesus for not recruiting labourers to harvest that are plenty.
This is the hard truth. Many may deny but the truth remains as truh.
You hit the nail on the head Fr. Warner.Thank you for your priesthood and for your forthright thoughts and actions especially your care for the poor
I have my 5 year old grandson Joshua who I pray for vocation to priesthood. Do lift this child in your prayers daily. God bless
I really like the article, very specific and to the point.
“We need priests, but let it not be my child!”
“if you fail your standard tenth exams you will have to become a priest.” Gosh that really hurts!
I could feel these statements. You expressed your heart.
However, a housefull seminary is a dead seminary if its formation does not conform to the magisterium of the Church. Therefore, it is critical for Church-centric formation to be offered in seminaries so that we can have good quality priests, like Fr Ryan who had a sharp intellect on the Word of God.
Good thoughts….