Giving God what is RIGHT and not what is LEFTover
Today I woke up and hit my phone first thing in the morning . A few routine messages and one rather unpleasant one and this was followed by a beautiful motivational video that brought a smile. All in all, the morning balanced out but as I went to light the candle on my altar I realized that I had placed HIM second and my phone first .
If I had reversed the order, the unpleasant message would have been easier to bear rather than it weighing down on my heart . The responses to it would have been filled with greater love.
Today I placed Jesus second in my morning and I am poorer for the graces I could have received. But then again tomorrow is another opportunity to begin my day right and I will be richer for that, for the Lord is always kind and merciful .
We give the Lord what is RIGHT not what is LEFTover .
Fr Warner Dsouza
6th September 2018
So beautifully and honestly stated, and soooo true. And most of all, love the fact that every morning is a chance to try to do things right all over again. 😊
So true Fr….we often loose sight of our priorities and reach to worldly goods to brighten up our day..when the truth is that just by waking up..God has given us a fresh lease on life…
We are all Human and Our merciful God knows that…..Have an awesome day ahead…