Savour the SAVIOUR

The Saviour not the Sinner

So here is something that struck me at Mass and  while meditating over the readings of yesterday and today. I often think that Lent is a time when we focus on ourselves as sinners; introspecting our need to turn towards the Lord and turn away from sin.

And then just like that it struck me that Lent is not so much about the sinner but about the Saviour. It is a time we focus primarily on His Love for us and not merely feel sorry for what we chose to become over the years. Lent is a time we focus on ‘the love of the father’ of the two sons in Luke 15 (prodigal son) and on ‘the landlord’ in Matthew 21 who sent ‘his son’ with the hope that the tenants would listen to Him.

Lent is not so much about the SINNER as much as it is about the SAVIOUR. This Lent, savour the Saviour; taste and see that the Lord is good ( Psalm34:8)

Fr Warner D’Souza


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