Simple truths – Why am I unhappy?
For some, today might just be a bad day. For others it’s been a bad week and still for many more this is a bad month or year. The simple truth is that no one has it easy three sixty five days of the year and yet we live in this illusion that grass is greener on the other side.
Of late I have been struggling with some issues too, primarily due to my second attack of Bell’s palsy and the emotional roller coaster of “why’s” and “what if’s”. Accompanying the challenges to my health have also been personal matters that annoying have a habit of crossing my mind. Like a bad penny in your pocket, you always seem to stumble on them first. Being a priest does not give you immunity from pain and I have had some really low days (chill I am not depressed)
What bothers me is that these emotional swings cause me to feel low and often that feeling hovers over me like a monsoon cloud that won’t move on; you get my drift right? To make matters worse, I have this public image I have to live through; in fact we all do albeit to different degrees and social groups.
So I looked deep within me to find solace in my wells spring of happiness and it struck me that for many, our link to happiness is unfortunately deeply rooted to either our aspiration or achievements. We want to get something or become something and IF we do, we ‘seem’ to be happy. If our aspirations or achievements don’t materialize on an hourly, daily or weekly basis( depending upon our fix), then a feeling of low sets in and we succumb to the low feeling or seek a quick fix solution for a few hours only to be haunted by that every pervading feeling of being low again.
Thank you Fr Warner for your Simple truths. They inspire and console that I am not alone. That I can still be happy if I want to.
A lovely write up father…this line of yours “Unfortunately because we think we are not on a high we assume we must be low” hit me up straight…now as i think to myself…”Damn why you yourself be the reason to make your day or even life better. Just do it..Thank the lord and live on…”
Thank you fr.
Don’t worry, Be Happy.
Thankyou Fr for sharing such a beautiful reflection,this year has been very difficult for me too,One thing I learned is that we should be happy and keep trust in God in your high and in your lows in life ,its very difficult but not impossible with God and I believe there is always a sunshine after the rain.In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 it says “Give thanks to God in every circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”.
Beautiful illustration of Day to Day Life…. If you want to be what you want to be, be what you want to be… Happiness is short lived so make the most out of it…
Thank You Fr. Warner
Beautiful Illustration of Day to Day Life… If you want to be what you want to be, be what you want to be… Happiness is short lived so make the most out of it.
And “Never” Give Up in Life
Thank You Fr. Warner
“The God of the good times, Is still God in the bad times, the God of the Day, is still God in the night. “ what comfort these lines bring and what courage.
Thank u fr. Warner. Love this simple reflection. It just confirmed my own personal spiritual reflection for today.